Friday, September 30, 2016

SBCC Student Senate backs keeping dual-summer sessions

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The 5 living presidents that have guided this country for a combined 32 years unanimously oppose Trump, how much clearer can it be? How foolish can one be to be blind to the wisdom of those that have already navigated the path? If anyone could or would have the knowledge and understanding of whether Trump is a bad decision and whether Hillary is a safe decision, these 5 humans are the ones to know.

The 5 living presidents that have guided this country for a combined 32 years unanimously oppose Trump, how much clearer can it be? How foolish can one be to be blind to the wisdom of those that have already navigated the path? If anyone could or would have the knowledge and understanding of whether Trump is a bad decision and whether Hillary is a safe decision, these 5 humans are the ones to know.
by Dave Rat

September 30, 2016 at 05:51AM
from Facebook

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

This is !he way I mic Flea's bass amp with a shure beta 98 plus I use 2 DI's, one active off the bass and one one passive after effects pedals.

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Snare bottom mic setup LP claw with an sm57

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I believe in honest ethical treatment of people. I believe in compassion towards those in need and accountability held against promises made. I believe in hard work towards your goals rewarded. And free rides denied. I believe that sharing successes with less fortunate is enjoyable as is deeply appreciating a helping hand while in distress. Am I to be labeled a liberal? Am I a conservative? Am I just a person that finds a balance between selfish and selfless? What am i?

I believe in honest ethical treatment of people. I believe in compassion towards those in need and accountability held against promises made. I believe in hard work towards your goals rewarded. And free rides denied. I believe that sharing successes with less fortunate is enjoyable as is deeply appreciating a helping hand while in distress. Am I to be labeled a liberal? Am I a conservative? Am I just a person that finds a balance between selfish and selfless? What am i?
by Dave Rat

September 27, 2016 at 06:54PM
from Facebook

Any sound people out there still think this moron deserves a vote?

Any sound people out there still think this moron deserves a vote?
by Dave Rat

September 27, 2016 at 01:32PM
from Facebook

On November 8 the United States will take an IQ test that will define the collective intelligence of the American voter. intelligence [in-tel-i-juh ns] noun 1. capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.

On November 8 the United States will take an IQ test that will define the collective intelligence of the American voter. intelligence [in-tel-i-juh ns] noun 1. capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.
by Dave Rat

September 27, 2016 at 12:35AM
from Facebook

Friday, September 23, 2016

Here is a picture I took 2 weeks ago at the Berlin Wall. It is a crew awaiting the next flock of tourist to scam in a con game called "the shell game" . The guy pointing at me is the one that moves the shells, the 4 people in front pretend to be bystanders winning money, the two against the wall are lookouts. So I have explained all this and it is a fairly obvious and transparent scam that takes money from the naive and foolish humans. Now that you have this info you are faced with a choice. Should you encounter a similar situation do you play and believe you will win or do you avoid as you are aware it is a con? This is very similar to what we see with Trump, he is a con, it is clear and obvious. What puzzles the mind is why do Trump supporters dive head first into playing the shell game?

Here is a picture I took 2 weeks ago at the Berlin Wall. It is a crew awaiting the next flock of tourist to scam in a con game called "the shell game" . The guy pointing at me is the one that moves the shells, the 4 people in front pretend to be bystanders winning money, the two against the wall are lookouts. So I have explained all this and it is a fairly obvious and transparent scam that takes money from the naive and foolish humans. Now that you have this info you are faced with a choice. Should you encounter a similar situation do you play and believe you will win or do you avoid as you are aware it is a con? This is very similar to what we see with Trump, he is a con, it is clear and obvious. What puzzles the mind is why do Trump supporters dive head first into playing the shell game?
by Dave Rat

September 23, 2016 at 07:06PM
from Facebook

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Found a cool pile of old business cards probably mostly from the early 80s. Vertec Gauss, audible Sound systems. Maybe if you recognize people help tag them? Either that or call the phone #s and ask for them.

Found a cool pile of old business cards probably mostly from the early 80s. Vertec Gauss, audible Sound systems. Maybe if you recognize people help tag them? Either that or call the phone #s and ask for them.
by Dave Rat

September 20, 2016 at 12:47PM
from Facebook

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mark and Taka 's monitor control world for #chilipeppers.

from Twitter

September 14, 2016 at 09:47PM

Mark and Taka 's monitor control world for #chilipeppers.

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And this would be my world and view. Got my superwedge cue time delayed to the mains, a nice…

from Twitter

September 14, 2016 at 01:21PM

Lampi control, #chilipeppers Two of three Grand Ma consoles, Leif. Is left, Scott is right and…

from Twitter

September 14, 2016 at 01:18PM

And this would be my world and view. Got my superwedge cue time delayed to the mains, a nice clear ground level view and my friendly boat anchor of a board. 25 years with #chilipeppers and am thinking I would rather retire than switch to a board I don't want to mix on.

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Lampi control, #chilipeppers Two of three Grand Ma consoles, Leif. Is left, Scott is right and there is a fully loaded spare behind out of the pic.

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This is George's world. He does all the real time content selecting of which of the 3 human held pit cams and 4 remote control robocams we see on the screens

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And if you ever wanted to know where all the #chilipeppers live recordings come from, meet Jason and his touring recording/mix rig.

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Four of the 8 remote controls for the truss spots. This means that instead of 8 humans climbing into the altruistic above stage and sitting there the entire set, they sit back stage and control the spots and have a dedicated video screen to see. #chilipeppers

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And if you ever wanted to know where all the #chilipeppers live recordings come from, meet Jason and his touring recording/mix rig.

Four of the 8 remote controls for the truss spots. This means that instead of 8 humans climbing into the altruistic above stage and sitting there the entire set, they sit back stage and control the spots and have a dedicated video screen to see. #chilipeppers

Finally, this is Nate 's would who plays piano and keyboards for this tour with the #chilipeppers p

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Check out the world of Chris Warren, the drum tech, he does the vocoder effect in By the Way, kyb on several songs, hand claps and other sounds. Every sound you hear at a Peppers show is created in real time by a human.

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Chris Warren getting #chilipeppers Chad Smith's drums dialed in

from Twitter

September 14, 2016 at 07:37AM

The world of Ian who keeps the most complex of the #chilipeppers stage setups dialed in for Josh.

from Twitter

September 14, 2016 at 07:35AM

Chris Warren getting #chilipeppers Chad Smith's drums dialed in

Chris Warren getting #chilipeppers Chad Smith's drums dialed in

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The world of Ian who keeps the most complex of the #chilipeppers stage setups dialed in for Josh.

The world of Ian who keeps the most complex of the #chilipeppers stage setups dialed in for Josh.

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The offstage world of Flea where the awesome Tracy Robar keeps everything rocking

The offstage world of Flea where the awesome Tracy Robar keeps everything rocking

from Twitter

September 14, 2016 at 05:02AM

The offstage world of Flea where the awesome Tracy Robar keeps everything rocking

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Josh's view #chilipeppers

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September 14, 2016 at 04:42AM

Pre-show view from Flea's perspective

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September 14, 2016 at 04:37AM

Josh's view #chilipeppers

Josh's view #chilipeppers

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Josh's view #chilipeppers

Josh's view #chilipeppers

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Pre-show view from Flea's perspective

Pre-show view from Flea's perspective

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The rig of Flea #chilipeppers

The rig of Flea #chilipeppers

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#chilipeppers Josh's rig.

#chilipeppers Josh's rig.

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Rookie » Very Important Things

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by Dave Rat

September 14, 2016 at 01:36AM
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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Taka Nakai rocking the big roadie lunch. This is what happens when we start a "lose 3% of your body weight by the end of tour leg" challenge. 6 days till weigh out and 15 crew on board.

Taka Nakai rocking the big roadie lunch. This is what happens when we start a "lose 3% of your body weight by the end of tour leg" challenge. 6 days till weigh out and 15 crew on board.
by Dave Rat

September 08, 2016 at 09:52AM
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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Meet The Woman Who's Been Pearl Jam's Sound Engineer For 24 Years

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by Dave Rat

September 07, 2016 at 08:50AM
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Rookie » Accidental Auras

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by Dave Rat

September 07, 2016 at 04:21AM
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